Our Doctors
Our group of Ayurvedic Physicians is all University Graduates and Postgraduates with an array of Ayurvedic specialties. Our Medical staff had gone under extensive training with Late Dr. Rishi Ram Koirala (MD Ayurveda) for practical clinical experience. Our Ayurveda Doctors offer holistic health care, focusing on the person as a whole. They address all the different dimensions of health, through physical, sensorial, mental-emotional, and spiritual perspectives.

Dr. Rachana Poudel Koirala
Professional Journey
- Ayurveda Consultant, Ayurveda Health Home Pvt. Ltd, Kathmandu, From June 2019 to present.
- Ayurveda Medical Officer, Ayurveda Health Home Pvt. Ltd, Kathmandu, From 2014 to 2015.
- Doctor Of Medicine (M.D) (Prasuti Evam Stri Roga- Ayurveda Gynecology and Obstetrics), National Institute Of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India, 2015 to 2018
- Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, Ayurveda Campus, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2007 to 2013
- Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counseling, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2014
- Training Course in Panchakarma- ICARE, RA Podar Ayurveda Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, January, 2019
- Yoga Instructor Course- Swami Vivekananda Yoga Tatha Anusandhan Kendra (SVYASA), University, Bangalore, March, 2019
- Training Workshop on Health system research Proposal Development, NHRC, 18-23 August, 2013
- National Workshop – Cum- Training Programme on Cancer, 17-18 Jan, 2018, NIA, Jaipur
- Workshop And Training Program on Yoga For Women, 3rd May, 2018, NIA, Jaipur
- Skill development Workshop on diagnosis and management of Spine Disorders, 23rd August, 2018, NIA, Jaipur
- Skill Development Workshop On Sandhipariksha, Agni pariksha and Nadi pariksha 4th, 5th & 6th October, 2018, NIA, Jaipur
- Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification/Energy Healing Online Course, 2019
- Shree Minakshi-Narayan Gold Medal 2013 – Nepal Society Of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (NESOG), April 2103, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Muktinath Sharma (Dhungel) Gold Medal, 2069 – Institute Of Medicine (IOM), Tribhuvan University
- Best Paper Award For Oral Presentation, SAMBHASA- 2017, NIA, Jaipur, India

Dr Vyoma Koirala
Professional Journey
- Ayurveda Consultant, Ayurveda Health Home Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu, From 2020
- Ayurveda Medical Officer, Ayurveda Health Home Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu (2017)
- Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) (Ayurveda Samhita evam Siddhanta – Department of Basic Principles in Ayurveda), Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. (Batch 2017)
- Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, Shree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Hassan, Karnataka, India. (Batch 2011)
- Training Course in Kereliya Panchakarma (Kerela Specialty Treatments and Panchakarma based on Ashtavaidya Tradition) – Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Foundation (Institute awarded ‘Centre of Excellence in Ayurvedic Management of Chronic Joint Disorders’ by the Dept. of Ayush, Govt. of India), Thrissur, Kerala, India (September 2017)
- Certificate Course in Kshara sutra, Shree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Hassan , Karnataka, India. (October 2017)
- Sensitization training on Recent NTEP guidelines & TB Mukt Himachal Abhiyan, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. (March 2020)
- Best Paper Award for oral presentation – Saundarya ‘A Skintillating International Conference on Beauty: Skin, Hair and Personality Enrichment with Ayurveda’, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India. (November 2019)
- Third Place for Poster Presentation – National Conference on Current Status of Ayurvedic Education & Annual Scientific Seminar, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. (November 2018)
- Paper Presentation – Annual Scientific Seminar on Recent Advancements in Ayurveda, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. (November 2019)

Dr. Jeannie Sapkota
Ayurveda Medical Officer
- Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, Patanjali Ayurveda Medical College and Research Centre, Dhulikhel- 2017-2023
- Crystal Therapy Workshop by Spiritual Inside – 2024
- Online 21 days Yoga Sadhana – 2021
- Yoga Veera Training by Sadhguru – 2019
- International Conference and Workshop on Marma Chikitsa – Dhulikhel – 2019
- National Workshop on Pain Management ( Marma Therapy) – Dehradun, 2019
- National Workshop on Uttar Basti – Dehradun- 2019
- Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardiwar – 2017

Dr. Kabita Ghale
Professional Journey
- Ayurveda medical officer, Ayurveda health home pvt.ltd Kathmandu from 2021 to present.
- Bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine and surgery , Rajiv Gandhi University, Bangalore Karnataka, India from 2015 – 2020.
- State level workshop on breast cancer, On 2018 , Karnataka.
- Skilled development workshop on general diagnosis and management of disease on 2017
Paramedical Staffs
Our doctors are assisted by a group of kind and conscientious paramedical staff. The overall hygiene of the centre is under their supervision. They coordinate with the kitchen staff to provide your customized Ayurvedic diet.
- Darshama Sharma
- Kishan Thanet
- Ganga Kumari Mahato
- Parbati Subedi
Our therapists are known for their charming personality and provide a delightful and warm human touch to our health centre.
All our therapists undergo initial training to ensure the consistency and effectiveness of the Ayurveda therapies. We maintain a process of continuing education to refine and deepen their professional skill. Badri, our chief-therapist, trains and monitors all our therapist to ensure maximum benefits to our guest. They are re-evaluated annually and constantly to refine and deepen their skills. Dr. Rishi and our team of Ayurvedic doctors interact with the therapists on a daily basis guiding the individualized therapies for each of our guests.
Many of our therapists have been working with the Ayurveda Health Home for more than 10 years. Their contribution for the success of our treatments cannot be overemphasized. Our therapists have developed a remarkable level of skill and expertise in the field of Ayurveda.
As appropriate we attempt to attract differently abled people to work with us as a therapist. We provide them with the thorough training skills to enable them to progress and develop their careers as a therapist in the field of healing.
2. Mina Kumari Yogi Tharu
3. Puja Mahato
4. Purna Kumari Mahato
5. Parbati Subedi
6. Muskan Yogi Tharu
7. Kishen Thanet
8. Rima Panjiar
9. Ganga Kumari Mahato
10. Chandra Kumari Mahato
11. Yam Narayan Mahato
12. Shikha Tamang
13. Laxmi Devi Mahato
14. Ruma Chaudhary
15. Aaiti Maya Tamang
16. Rajesh Syangtan
17. Gopal Shrestha
18. Karna Bahadur Kusari
19. Deepak Mahato
20. Ambar Bahadur Mahato
21. Anu Mahato
22. Dhan Kumari Chaudhary
23. Dhana Kumari Tharu
24. Anjali Mahato
25. Sumitra Kumari Mahato
26. Rohan Mahato
27. Rajkumar Thanet
28. Aashika Mahato
29. Bhuwan Gurau