About Snehana
Snehana is deeply relaxing and enjoyable, as stress and toxins are released at all levels – physical, emotional and mental. Snehana literally means to “nurture, to love, to heal, to express kindness and compassion” – and this is exactly what you will experience during this treatment. As a one-off application, Snehana acts as an instant stress-buster. As a series of treatments, the cleansing and nourishing effect is increased manifold. Snehana can be carried out by a single therapist or as a synchronous massage by two therapists.

Snehana Packages for Ultimate Relaxation
Siro Dhara
Duration: 30 Minutes
This is a distinctive Ayurvedic treatment that calms the mind and relaxes the central nervous system and thereby initiating miraculous healing. In Siro Dhara, a continuous flow of Ayurvedic herbal oils or therapeutic liquids is dripped on the forehead through a metal or clay vessel “the patra” which is suspended directly above the forehead. This is given after Head Abhyanga or whole body Abhyanga.
Benefits :
- Helps to evoke deep cognitive memories and restore good health
- Enhances memory, clarity, comprehension, concentration, and creativity
- Good for relaxation
- Assists in activating the third eye chakra and helps to gain benefits from meditation
- Useful in headaches, migraines and sleep disorders, stress, and anxiety
- Rejuvenates the senses and mind, and improves brain functioning
Duration: 15 Minutes
Hot Oil Sponging This is an effective solution practice that involves submerging cotton cloths in warm oil to heat them which is then squeezed and applied to the specific body part. It thereby provides nourishment to muscles and tissues, releases stress, increases flexibility, and restores muscle and joint movement by penetrating into the deep tissue level.
Conditions :
- Joint pain, swelling, stiffness or deformity.
- Muscle and tendon cramps, twists, and tears.
- Spondylosis and backache.
- Poor lymphatic and general circulation.
- As a rehabilitative therapy mainly for the joints, legs, hands, back, and chest.
Cakra Basti
Duration: 20 Minutes
Oil Irrigation on Cakra Area This process provides subtle nutrition to the Cakra, helps to improve the function of the Cakra and alleviates the diseased or stressed organ associated with the Cakra. It is followed by a gentle massage of the energy points. The Cakras are the energy fields in the subtle body and govern the subtle elements, sense organs, and organs of action. Physical diseases relate to imbalances in the Cakras which function through the various nerve plexus and endocrine organs. Psychological diseases involve imbalances in inner Cakra functioning. Cakra Basti is given only after consultation with the Ayurvedic doctor or chief therapist. It involves the shaping of flour dough into a ring and placing it around the desired Cakra area and warm medicated oil is gradually poured inside. Then the subtle vibrations are given around the body with the help of singing bowls. There are five places for the application of Cakra Basti. Muladhar Cakra (Root or Coccygeal Centre) Svadhisthana (Pubic Centre) Manipur Cakra (Naval or Solar plexus Centre) Anahata Cakra (Heart Centre) Vishuddha Cakra (Throat Centre)
Benefits :
- Improves and balance the function of Cakras and enhances subtle spiritual growth.
- Improves the function of neurons and the endocrine system.
- Pacifies the disorders of organs which correspond to the Cakras.
Bahya Basti
Duration: 15 Minutes
This involves shaping flour dough into a ring and placing it around the affected part and warm medicated oil is gradually poured inside. This process provides nutrition to the affected parts, helping to reduce pain and swelling and to improve the function and capacity of the particular part. This Basti is followed by a part massage.
Benefits :
- Warms and nourishes the muscles and relaxes joints.
- Improves functions of the joints, tendons, and ligaments.
- In back pain, spondylosis, muscle weakness, and joint degeneration
Siro Basti
Duration: 20 Minutes
Putting Oil on Your Head / Crown Cakra Warm medicated oil is poured gently inside by creating a small basin over the head and is left for a while to penetrate into the scalp. Then the subtle vibrations are given around the body with the help of singing bowls. This improves the flow of prana (energy) that facilitates better functioning of the brain/ senses. It is given after Head Abhyanga.
Benefits :
- Improves eye conditions and diseases.
- In facial paralysis & tremors
- In diseases of the head: degenerative conditions of the brain, brain hemorrhage and clots
- In Insomnia & migraine
- Improves brain function and nourishes the crown chakra
Tail Dhara
Duration: 60 Minutes
Pizhichil/ Whole Body Oil Bath This bath gives the feeling of completeness and totality. The culture of oil baths is very ancient in Ayurveda and is highly regarded in the classics. In this process, a silent and calm environment is created with a relaxation massage being given first. A group of therapists then enter the room, maintaining silence, and bringing collective peace and meditative energy with them. Two therapists, working with the same rhythm and healing energy, pour a stream of warm Ayurveda oil from the feet to the neck and vice versa along with massage. The soft, smooth, slippery, and gentle touch with oil and the therapist’s love continues for one hour. It gives a feeling like being in a mother’s womb – smooth, soft, and free deep inside. The prime healing energy is gently nurtured and stimulated through the treatment, resulting in a feeling of wholeness, self-love, and happiness.
Benefits :
- Enhances the growth of inner healing potential source
- Cleanses & rejuvenates the whole body system.

Tail Dhara
Oil Bath,60 Min

Bahya Basti
15 Min

Cakra Basti
20 Min

Siro Dhara
30 Min

Siro Basti
20 Min

15 Min
Alternative Packages and Services We Offer

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