About Anorectal
Ano-rectal refers to conditions related to the anus or rectum, including haemorrhoids, anal fissure, pilonidal sinus, fistula in ano, and perianal abscess. These anorectal problems are mainly caused due to some sort of overgrowth or abnormal growth of tissues in the anus and rectum region. While discussing these issues might be embarrassing, living with them can be painful. Our specialized center offers Ayurvedic parasurgical treatment for anorectal disorders, including Kshar Sutra treatment, which is highly effective in managing these conditions with hardly any relapse and need for hospitalization.
Ayurvedic parasurgical Treatment
We offer services for various Anorectal problems like
- Hemorrhoids
- Anal Fissure
- Pilonidal sinus
- Fistula In Ano
- Perianal Abscess
Hemorrhoids (piles) is a condition in which a fleshy mass of variable size, shape, and color protrudes out (due to varicosity of veins) from the anus. It may be external or internal. An anal fissure is a small cut or tears in the lining of the anus. The crack in the skin causes severe pain and some bright red bleeding during and after bowel movements. A pilonidal sinus is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. It occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks causing severe pain and can also often become infected. Fistula-in-ano is a condition where a hard tract forms inside or around the anal area and it discharges pus from time to time. In early conditions, it is easily treatable, but due to the difficult area & some other factors person keeps unnoticing and the tract forms and further progresses and becomes chronic. Perianal abscess is a painful condition in which a collection of pus develops near the anus. Most anal abscesses are a result of infection from small anal glands.
Kshar Sutra
Kshar Sutra is an Ayurvedic para surgical treatment used to help manage such anorectal disorders such as hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano and pilonidal sinus. The benefit of choosing this kshar sutra treatment is that it is very successful and effective in this disease and there is hardly any relapse and need for hospitalization. So, if you are seeking a solution for this problem, please visit our specialized center for Kshara sutra treatment where we have been treating such cases for the last 25 years.
Days for consultation:
Monday and Thursday morning 8 AM – 11 AM
First come, first serve basis
Additional Information
Bring all previous related health reports
Eat very lightly before your visit
Book Your Appointment Now!
Visit our specialized center for Kshar Sutra treatment and get relief from anorectal disorders.